Donate to the future

We have created a platform where you can donate to innovation, science, technology and ideas shaping the future.

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Making a donation

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    How can I make a donation?

    You can donate anywhere on Beyondward where you see a green donate button, or on any webpage that uses our elements. When you click the donate button, choose an amount and continue with your donation.
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    Is my donation secure?

    We use secure and trusted payment providers to process all payments and transfers. All donations will automatically be added to the each receiver's receiver account on Beyondward before payouts are made to each receiver's bank account.
    All receivers on Beyondward are verified by us to provide high quality receivers and initiatives on Beyondward. All receivers also need to complete a KYC (Know Your Customer) process where we ensure who is behind the receiver account.
    During our verification process, we also make sure that all donations will be used in the way we intend to - to make an impact on the future, and to support innovation, technology, science and ideas shaping the future.
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    Are there any fees for my donation?

    No, there are no fees directly associated with your donation. We have chosen a model where the receiver pay a platform fee for all donations they receive through our platform. The platform fee is used to cover transaction fees for payments, to maintain and develop the platform, and to promote all amazing receivers and initiatives using the platform.
    The platform fee is paid by the receiver and is decided by the individual agreement between the receiver and Beyondward. You can learn more about the platform fee on our page for becoming a receiver on Beyondward.
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    Which payment methods are available?

    We accept card payments, Swish payments and our own gift cards through the donation widget and will introduce more payment options going forward. All payments are processed and secured by our payment partners and Beyondward never stores your payment information, such as card numbers.
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    Do you have a minimum or maximum donation amount?

    The minimum and maximum amount for a donation will be visible when you make a donation. The amount vary based on the currency used, what payment method you choose, and what you donate to. Creators of fundraisers may also limit the amounts possible to donate to individual fundraisers. If you want to make a donation larger than the maximum amount possible, please reach out to us.

Recurring donations

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    Can I make a recurring donation?

    Yes, you can choose to donate recurringly when you make a donation and choose an amount. However, depending on what you donate to, and how you donate, this option might be disabled.
    When choosing to donate recurringly, we will create a subscription and our system will automatically make future donations using the amount and payment method you choose.
    When you choose to donate recurringly a subscription is created and saved to your profile. You can access all subscriptions by signing in to Beyondward using your e-mail address. You may pause, cancel or resume all subscriptions at all times. You can also update the payment method used for future renewals.
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    How can I pause or cancel recurring donations?

    When you choose to donate recurringly a subscription is created and saved to your profile. You can access all subscriptions by signing in to Beyondward using your e-mail address. You may pause, cancel or resume all subscriptions at all times. You can also update the payment method used for future renewals.
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    What happens if a payment fails upon renewal?

    When a payment is failing to renew your subscription and make a donation, we will try again the next day. We will also contact you and ask you to update the payment method for your subscription. If renewals keep failing we will eventually automatically cancel the subscription, and no future donations will be made for the subscription.
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    What happens if a receiver I no longer listed on the platform?

    If you have a subscription where the receiver of your donation is no longer a receiver on Beyondward, your subscription will automatically be cancelled, and no future donations will be made. We might also ask you to consider redirecting your donation to a different receiver on Beyondward.


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    Will my donation be visible on Beyondward?

    When you donate, we let you choose if you want your donation to be visible on Beyondard or not. Visible donations will appear in our feeds.
    If you want to change this after the donation is made, you can access all completed donations by signing in to Beyondward with your e-mail address and edit the setting.
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    Can I donate anonymously?

    Yes, if you choose to make your donation visible on Beyondard when you donate, you can also choose to make the donation anonymously. In that way the donation stays visible in our feeds, but your name or profile won't be visible for the donation.
    If you want to change this after the donation is made, you can access all completed donations by signing in to Beyondward with your e-mail address and edit the setting.
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    Can I hide the amount I donate?

    Yes, if you choose to make your donation visible on Beyondard when you donate, you can also choose to hide the amount you donate. In that way the donation stays visible in our feeds, but the amount you donated won't be displayed.
    If you want to change this after the donation is made, you can access all completed donations by signing in to Beyondward with your e-mail address and edit the setting.
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    Can I leave a message or dedication with my donation?

    Yes, you can leave a message when you donate. The message will be public in feeds, if you choose that your donation should be visible, and the receiver of the donation will see your message in their receiver account. The message will also be visible on the donation certificate that you can share.

Transfer of donation

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    Who will receive my donation?

    You can see who will receive your donation in the donation widget when you donate.
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    How much of my donation will reach the receiver?

    You can see how your donation is used in the donation widget when you donate.
    When you donate through Beyondward, the receiver of the donation pays a platform fee for all received donations. The platform fee is subtracted from the amount you donate and the remaining amount is added to the receiver account of the receiver.
    The platform fee is paid by the receiver and is decided by the individual agreement between the receiver and Beyondward. You can learn more about the platform fee on our page for becoming a receiver on Beyondward.
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    How is my donation transferred to the receiver?

    All donations will automatically be added to the each receiver's receiver account on Beyondward before payouts are made to each receiver's bank account. You can learn more about how transfers and payouts are made on our page for becoming a receiver on Beyondward.
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    How long does it take for the receiver to get the donation?

    How long before the receiver receives a donation depends on what you donate to:
    • Donations made to profiles: The donation is transferred to the receiver's receiver account directly.
    • Donations made to initiatives with a single receiver: The donation is transferred to the receiver's receiver account directly.
    • Donations made to initiatives with a competition: The donation is transferred to all receiver accounts of the winnners of the competition when they are announced by the creator of the competition.
    • Donations made to missions: The donation is transferred to all receiver accounts that are chosen by Beyondward continously when we distribute donations received. You can see the current transfer status for your donations on your profile.
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    Is my information shared with the receiver?

    We never share any of your information to the receiver of the donation without your active consent. The receiver can only see the amount they have received to their receiver account, and the message if you have left one with the donation. They can't see who donated.
    Please note that if you choose to make your donation visible on Beyondward your donation will be visible in feeds also for the receiver.
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    How are receivers verified by Beyondward?

    All receivers on Beyondward are verified by us to provide high quality receivers and initiatives on Beyondward. All receivers also need to complete a KYC (Know Your Customer) process where we ensure who is behind the receiver account.
    During our verification process, we also make sure that all donations will be used in the way we intend to - to make an impact on the future, and to support innovation, technology, science and ideas shaping the future.
    If you have any questions about our verification processes, please contact us.

Completed donations

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    Will I receive a donation certificate?

    Yes, we create a donation certificate for all donations you make. You can share the donation certificate with someone or post it on social media make a bigger impact.
    You will get a link to the certificate together with a receipt when you have completed your donation. Both will also be sent to your e-mail address, and are saved to your profile on Beyondward. You can access all donations certificates and receipts by signing in to Beyondward using your e-mail address.
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    How can I get a receipt for my donation?

    You will automatically get a receipt after completing your donation. We will also send the receipt to your e-mail address, and save it to your profile on Beyondward. You can access all receipts by signing in to Beyondward using your e-mail address.
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    Are donations tax-deductible?

    Please contact the tax agency of the country where you live to get more information about what donations are qualified for tax-deductibility.
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    Can I change or cancel my donation?

    All donations are final and non-refundable.
    If you have a subscription, you can stop future renewals by cancelling or pausing the subscription at any time.

Custom donations

We are happy to work with other types of donations.

Click here to show FAQ.


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