Version 1.1Effective 2021-05-07


We use cookies to personalize content, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. Some of our cookies are issued by our partners, who may combine the data with other information that you’ve provided to them or that they’ve collected from your use of their services. To use our services you need to accept cookies.

Please note that until you accept cookies some fuctionality will not work on this site, and we won't load any third-party scripts or create any cookies (apart from a single session cookie that you can learn more about in the cookie declaration below). We will also keep showing the prompt for you to accept cookies until you have accepted cookies.

We reserve the right to make changes to this Cookie Policy at any time and for any reason. We will alert you about any changes by updating the “Version” and Effective date of this Cookie Policy. Any changes or modifications will be effective immediately upon posting the updated Cookie Policy on the Site, and you waive the right to receive specific notice of each such change or modification.

You are encouraged to periodically review this Cookie Policy to stay informed of updates. You will be deemed to have been made aware of, will be subject to, and will be deemed to have accepted the changes in any revised Cookie Policy by your continued use of the Site after the date such revised Cookie Policy is posted.

Cookie declaration

We have divided the cookies below on cookies created by Beyondward, first-party cookies, and cookies created by others, third-party cookies, to help you get a clear picture on how cookies are used and for what purpose.

Cookies created by Beyondward

We use a session cookie to remember your session id. This helps us know that you are the same person when e.g. visiting two different pages on Beyondward and keep track of your language preference and carts. This also helps us know that you are logged in to Beyondward, so that you can stay logged in while using Beyondward. The session cookie will always be created.

Once you have accepted cookies we will create a cookie to remember that you have accepted cookies, so that we can show the right version of Beyondward for you and so that you don't need to accept cookies for every page you visit. The cookie expires after 1 year and you need to accept cookies again then.


sails.sid - Domain:, Expiration time: 2 years, Purpose: Session cookie used to distinguish users and keep you logged in, keep track of language preferences and carts.

cookie_consent_status - Domain:, Expiration time: up to 1 year, Purpose: Used to remeber your cookie preferences.

All other cookies are issued by our third parties. Once you have accepted cookies we will also allow these third-party cookies being created according to your selected preferences.

Cookies created by third-parties

Below we are listing services we use for Beyondward that are issuing cookies. Please note that these services may combine the data from their cookies with other information that you’ve provided to them or that they’ve collected from your use of their services.


We use Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager which enables us to analyze our traffic on Beyondward and know which pages are visited and the behaviour of our visitors - as well as how our visitors reached our site. These cookies let us know what features on Beyondward are working the best and what features can be improved. With the help of this data we can provide a better experience for you. You may reject these cookies in your cookie preferences.


_ga / _ga_CC97JQ3VV8 - Domain:, Expiration time: 400 days, Purpose: Used to distinguish users.

More information available at: and


We provide the possibility to embed and view YouTube videos on Beyondward. We have chosen to use the no-cookie version of YouTube for embedded videos for your privacy. We also use YouTube Player API to be able to dynamically display and control the videos, which creates cookies to be able to store bandwidth and perform statistics within the session.


YouTube use cookies to know that the video is being watched an analyze data about this and store information about bandwidth to give you a suitable video quality.

VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE - Domain:, Expiration time: 6 months, Purpose: To estimate bandwidth.

YSC - Domain:, Expiration time: Session, Purpose: To store a unique user ID for statistics.


We use Stripe for processing credit card payments. Cookies created by Stripe are used by Stripe to remember who you are, for security and to process secure credit card payments through Stripe. This makes payments secure and means that Beyondward doesn't need to store any credit card information on our servers. Cookies from Stripe are always created, to be able to allow payments.


__stripe_sid - Domain:, Expiration time: 30 minutes, Purpose: Session cookie to distinguish users.

__stripe_mid - Domain:, Expiration time: 1 year.

Please refer any questions you may have to Stripe regarding these cookies or learn more at Stripe Cookie Policy and Stripe Privacy Policy.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a string of information which assigns you a unique identifier that we store on your computer. Your browser then provides that unique identifier to us each time you submit a query to the Site. Cookies are used by websites to make your experience better and more personalized. Some cookies are necessary to make this website functional, while others are not vital for this website to work, but will help us provide a better experience for you. By law we are required to get your active consent to use cookies that are not necessary to make this website functional.

How are cookies used on Beyondward?

We use cookies on Beyondward to, among other things, keep track of services you have used, record registration information, record your user preferences, keep you logged into Beyondward, facilitate donation procedures, and track the pages you visit.

This website uses both cookies issued by ourselves and by third-parties. To give you a better understanding of which cookies we use, please see our cookie declaration that describes which cookies are used and for what purpose.

How can I control cookies?

Most browsers are set to accept cookies by default. You can remove or reject cookies in your browser’s settings. Please be aware that such action could affect the availability and functionality of this website. Cookies are required to make this website functional and provide a good exprecience. If you want to use Beyondward you need to accept cookies.

If you don't want to accept cookies you can choose not to use our services. Some cookies are not required for this website to work, and you may reject those cookies in your cookie preferences, e.g. the first time you use Beyondward. To respect your privacy, our goal is to use as few cookies a necessary while still providing a good experience. You can learn more about what cookies we use and for what purpose in our cookie declaration.

For more information on how to control cookies, check your browser or device’s settings for how you can control or reject cookies. If you need help on how to remove your cookies in your browser, click here.

In addition, you may opt-out of some third-party cookies through the Network Advertising Initiative’s Opt-Out Tool or the DAA's WebChoices Tool

How can I remove cookies?

If you want to remove cookies you can remove them in the settings in your web browser. Go to your settings and remove all cookies created by and Please also note that you may need to remove cookies created by third-parties. See our cookie declaration to see which third-party cookies that are used (however any third-party cookies will most likely also be created by other sites on the web). If you need help on how to remove your cookies in your browser, click here. After removing your cookies, stop visiting or in any other way using Beyondward and do not accept cookies again to avoid any new cookies being created.

Privacy Policy

For information about how we use information collected by cookies and other tracking technologies, please refer to our Privacy Policy. This Cookie Policy is part of and is incorporated into our Privacy Policy. By using the Site, you agree to be bound by this Cookie Policy and our Privacy Policy.

Beyondward legal cookies

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