Version 1.1Effective 2021-05-07

Receiver Agreement

Welcome as a Receiver on the Beyondward platform, provided by Beyondward AB ("Beyondward", "us", "we", "our"). Beyondward AB is a registered company with company registration number 559172-7390, VAT number SE559172739001, with registered address at Sankt Eriksgatan 57A, 11234 Stockholm, Sweden.

1. Contract

This "Receiver Agreement" is extending the Terms of Service and adds additional terms, without replacing or modifying any of the terms in the Terms of Service.

These Terms applies to Members that are creating a "Receiver Account". We refer to Members with a Receiver Account as a "Receiver".

You agree that by creating a Receiver Account, you enter into a legally binding contract ("Receiver Agreement") with Beyondward. If you do not agree to the Receiver Agreement do not create a Receiver Account.

1.1 Privacy

Your Receiver Account is subject to the same Privacy Policy as your Account.

1.2 Changes to the Receiver Agreement

We may modify this Receiver Agreement from time to time. Material changes will be communicated through our Servives and through e-mail to Receiver before becoming effective to give the opportunity to review these changes. It is your sole responsibility to check the Receiver Agreement from time to time to view any such changes in the Receiver Agreement, and as a Receiver to keep your e-mail address updated. If you do not consent you may terminate the Receiver Agreement as stated below.

1.3 Termination

If you want to terminate this Receiver Agreement, you can do so by contacting us using the contact information provided on our contact page. Terminating this Receiver Agreement will only affect this Receiver Agreement and your Receiver Account. You will continue to be a Member of our Services and need to close your Account seperately according to the terms stated in the Terms of Service if you no longer want to be a Member of our Services.

Upon termination of this Receiver Agreement we will remove you as a Verified Receiver and you may no longer receive any donations through our Services. Please note that we will keep all information about your Receiver Account and received donations to fulfill legal obligations and requirements.

Any amounts owed by either party prior to termination remain owed after termination.

2. Obligations

2.1 Service Eligibility

To be able to create a Receiver Account you need to be a Member.

2.2 Your Receiver Account

Receivers are "Receiver Account" holders. By creating a Receiver Account you agree to that: (1) you will use your real name and/or the real name of the organization that you represent and that you are allowed to enter into a legaly binding contract on behalf of the organization that you represent; (2) you have the legal capacity and you agree to comply with these Terms; (3) all information provided is true and that any information provided, including but not limited to the bank account number, belongs to the legal identity of the Receiver Account; (4) you will not use the Services for any illegal or unauthorized purpose; and (5) your use of the Services will not violate any applicable law or regulation.

Creating a Receiver Account with false information is a violation of our Receiver Agreement, including Receiver Accounts registered on behalf of an entity that you are not allowed to represent. You are responsible for anything that happens through your Receiver Account.

2.3 Use of Donations

Beyondward is a donation platform with focus on building the future. As a Verified Receiver you agree to that you only use received donations in the ways stated below. If you fail to use received donations in the way stated below we reserve the right to terminate this Receiver Agreement.

  1. Only use received donations for a purpose related to, and not in conflict with, any of our missions;
  2. Only use received donations for the purpose given in the description of your profile, the description of initiatives you create, the description of initiatives created by others where you are the receiver, or the description of the missions that you are receiving donations through - and not provide misleading information about the intended use of received donations;
  3. Not use our Services or received donations for any illegal or harmful activities, money laundry, fraud, or any other activities or purposes that are in conflict with our Terms, our values or the purpose of our Services or our missions;
  4. Not use our services to sell any products or services, or provide any other value to donors, that will disqualify donations as being a gift without value added tax (VAT).

2.4 Notices and messages

You agree that we will provide Receiver notices and messages to you in the following ways: (1) within the Service, or (2) sent to the contact information you provided us.

You agree to keep your contact information up to date and to follow the instructions provided in any notices or messages to keep your Receiver Account updated with the information needed at any time. If you fail to keep your Receiver Account updated with the information needed we may terminate or suspend your Receiver Account at any time and/or may suspend or discontinue any features associated with your Receiver Account, including but not limited to, payouts of received donations and disable the possibility to receive new donations, until you have succeeded in updating your Receiver Account with the information needed.

Please review your Receiver Account settings to control and limit messages you receive from us and to control the current status of your Receiver Account.

2.5 Stripe Connected Account Agreement

Payment processing services for Receivers on Beyondward are provided by Stripe and are subject to the Stripe Connected Account Agreement, which includes the Stripe Terms of Service (collectively, the “Stripe Services Agreement”). By agreeing to our Receiver Agreement or continuing to operate as a Receiver on Beyondward, you agree to be bound by the Stripe Services Agreement, as the same may be modified by Stripe from time to time. As a condition of Beyondward enabling payment processing services through Stripe, you agree to provide Beyondward accurate and complete information about you and your business, and you authorize Beyondward to share it and transaction information related to your use of the payment processing services provided by Stripe.

3. Rights and limits

3.1 Validation and Verified Receiver

Only Verified Receivers can receive "Donations" through Beyondward. All Members can create a Receiver Account, however Beyondward reserves the right to limit the right to create a Receiver Account for certain Members for any reason. We also reserve the right to decide which Receiver Accounts are accepted as Verified Receivers, and may revoke the status Verified Receiver at any time with or without notice.

When creating a Receiver Account we will validate your information and identity. Depending on the information provided, your activity and the use of your Receiver Account we may ask you to provide additional information to us at any time to be able to accept you as a Verified Receiver and/or keep you as a Verified Receiver.

3.2 Your Receiver Account

Your Receiver Account allows you to decide in what ways you would like to receive Donations through Beyondward and to decide how payouts should be managed and update the settings for your Receiver Account.

By creating a Receiver Account you agree to that we may list and promote your profile (including provided logo or similar) as a Verified Receiver throughout our Services (as defined in our Terms), and may furthermore use your name in connection with external marketing and other activities to promote our Services. To use your brand and logotype outside of our Services, such as in marketing, we will always ask for your active consent to do so.

You may review your current status and information in your Receiver Account settings at any time.

3.3 Receiving Donations

As a Verified Receiver you may receive donations through the Services in different ways. We provide the following ways of receiving donations, which you can control in your Receiver Account settings.

  • Let anyone donate directly to your profile. - Any donation to your profile will be transferred to your Receiver Account Balance according to the the section 3.4.
  • Receive donations from initiatives created by yourself. - Any donation to initiatives created by yourself where you also are the receiver of donations will be transferred to your Receiver Account Balance according to the the section 3.4.
  • Let others create initiatives where you receive the donations. - Any donation to initiatives created by other Members where you are the receiver of donations will be transferred to your Receiver Account Balance according to the the section 3.4.
  • Receive a part of donations to missions. - You can select up to three missions on our Services where you want to receive a part of the donations to the missions selected. You agree to that Beyondward decide which Verified Receivers that will receive part of donations to any mission and that you may not be among the Verified Receivers receiving part of those donations even if you have selected that you want to receive part of donations to those missions. You also agree to that we may decide how much of all donations will go to respective Verified Receiver at our sole discretion. If you are among the Verified Receivers that we decide will receive part of the donations the donations will be transferred to your Receiver Account Balance according to the section 3.4.

3.4 Platform Fees and Transfers

You agree to that all donations that you receive, except donations made to missions, are subject to a "Platform Fee". The Platform Fee is decided by the "Plan" for your Receiver Account at the time of when the "Transfer" is made to your "Receiver Account Balance". You may update your Plan at any time in your Receiver Account settings and the Platform Fee will be reflected on future Transfers that you receive. The current Platform Fee will be visible when creating a Receiver Account and in your Receiver Account settings.

  • Transfers to your Receiver Account Balance is made at the time of the donation for donations made directly to your profile or made through an initiative where you are the Receiver.
  • For donations made to initiatives with a "Prize Pool", where you are chosen as one of the winners, the Transfer is made when the creator of the initiative distribute all donations made.
  • For donations made to missions, the Transfer to your Receiver Account Balance is made when we distribute donations made to each mission if you are one of the receivers chosen for that mission.

The amount transferred to your Receiver Account Balance is the amount donated minus the Platform Fee, or if you have a valid Discounted Platform Fee, minus the Discounted Platform Fee.

Information about Transfers and the current Receiver Account Balance is available in your Receiver Account settings.

Discounted Platform Fee - Some Members may have a "Discounted Platform Fee". A Discounted Platform Fee may be limited in time or be valid until further notice. The Discounted Platform Fee will always override the general Platform Fee. If your Account has a Discounted Platform Fee it will be visible when creating a Receiver Account and/or in your Receiver Account settings.

Updates to Platform Fee - We may update the Platform Fee for any Plan at any time and will communicate any such update at least 30 days prior to the update (1) within the Service, and (2) sent to the contact information you provided us. It's your sole responsibility to take part of any such communication, and any update to the Platform Fee will not be decided by if you have received or taken part of such communication or not. If you do not agree to any updates to our Platform Fee you have the choice to terminate this Receiver Agreement.

3.5 Payouts

All "Payouts" will be made according to the Plan for your Receiver Account and will be subtracted from your Receiver Account Balance. Each Plan includes information about how often Payouts are made, e.g. weekly or monthly.

Payouts will be made automatically in two ways: to the (1) International Bank Account Number (IBAN), and (2) Bankgiro (BG) that you have provided in your Receiver Account settings. The Payout method is decided by the payment method used for the amount of the corresponding donation, where donations made using Stripe will use your IBAN as Payout method and all other donations will use BG as a Payout method. Please note that donations need to be completed at least 7 days prior to the Payout date to be included in each Payout. The Payout date and the number of days may vary depending on holidays and the Payout method used.

Information about Payouts and the current Receiver Account Balance is available in your Receiver Account settings.

3.6 Disputes (chargebacks)

A dispute (also known as a chargeback) occurs when a cardholder questions a payment with their card issuer. The issuer creates a formal dispute which immediately reverses the payment and our payment providers will in turn notify Beyondward. After a dispute resolution process the dispute will either result in that disputed amount will be refunded or that the payment was valid. Disputes resulting in a refund will be subtracted from your Receiver Account Balance.

3.7 Limits

Beyondward reserves the right to limit your use of any Receiver Account features. Beyondward reserves the right to restrict, suspend, or terminate your Receiver Account, suspend or discontinue Payouts from and transfers to your Receiver Account Balance, if you have failed to keep your Receiver Account updated with the information needed, or if Beyondward believes that you may be in breach of this Receiver Agreement or Terms of Service or law or are misusing the Services. You further acknowledge that Beyondward reserves the right to attempt to recover or hold funds from your Receiver Account Balance for reasons such as, but not limited to, lost chargebacks, refunds or if your Receiver Account Balance is negative.

4. Terms of Service

This "Receiver Agreement" is extending the Terms of Service and adds additional terms, without replacing or modifying any of the terms in the Terms of Service. By agreeing to this Receiver Agreement, you agree to be bound by this Receiver Agreement and acknowledge that all parts of the Terms of Service will also apply to this Receiver Agreement.

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